reliable school

Dear students,
I am addressing you regarding the extraordinary and difficult situation that we have to face - a global pandemic.

I appeal to you for showing, above all, responsibility and maturity. It depends on us how this tragic situation will develop. I would like to ask you to limit all social gatherings and contacts, as well as to respect preventive principles. We are all responsible for the health of ourselves, our families and friends.

The temporary suspension of traditional classes at the University does not mean that your education remains suspended. We have the necessary tools so that you can continue your education. Thus, I inform and remind you about didactic activities taking place in the form of e-learning. All information is sent to you via the Virtual Dean's Office. The academic and administrative staff are also at your disposal.

Dear students,
current situation forces you and the University to face numerous and difficult challenges. I hope that we will be able to overcome all difficulties by working together. I also hope that it will not last long and soon everything will return to normal.

I wish you patience, maturity and, above all, a lot of health.





The International University of Logistics and Transport in Wroclaw
 ul. Sołtysowicka 19B          51-168 Wrocław Poland
 tel: +48 (71) 324-68-42 int. 125

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