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reliable school
Language of instruction Program Degree Currency Stationary form
monthly1 for 1 academic semester for 1 academic year
without discount with 2% discount2 without discount with 5% discount3
ENGLISH Logistics Bachelor, Master PLN 1 100 5 500 5 390 11000 10450
EUR 250 1 250 1 225 2 500 2 375
USD 340 1 700 1 666 3 400 3 230
ENGLISH Management Bachelor, Master PLN 1100 5500 5390 11000 10450
EUR 250 1 250 1 225 2 500 2 375
USD 340 1 700 1 666 3 400 3 230



1The amount of the monthly tuition is the same every month, regardless of the number of conducted classes. The student agrees to pay tuition fees in advance in 10 equal installments by the 10th day of each month from October to July, but the last part of the payment must be paid before June 30th of that academic year.


22% discount is valid for one-time payment for the semester. Payment for the semester must be made within 10 days from the date of the beginning of the semester.


35% discount is valid for one-time payment for the academic year. Payment for the year must be made in advance by October 10th of the academic year.



Other fees


Language of instruction Program Degree Currency
Registration fee for study in English 400 PLN When submitting documents
100 EUR
120 USD
Student ID duplicate 25 PLN When you apply for a duplicate
Issue of the diploma with two copies 60 PLN Before the date given by the University
Сopy of the diploma in a foreign language 40 PLN When you apply for a copy



Bank accounts


Santander Bank Polska S.A.:


Account in EURO: (€) PL 50 1090 2398 0000 0001 1580 8146

Account in USD:    ($) PL 38 1090 2398 0000 0001 1580 8168

Account in PLN:     (PLN) PL 82 1090 2398 0000 0001 1527 4070


Address: Międzynarodowa Wyższa Szkoła Logistyki i Transportu we Wrocławiu,

ul. Sołtysowicka 19 b, 51-168 Wrocław, Polska



Payment purpose should contain the name of the candidate, as well as the form of payment, for example: John Smith, academic year’s 2019/2020 fee.



Banks may charge a fee for an international money transfer or payment in a bank, so when you pay, you should indicate that the transfer should be made in the amount specified on the website.



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The International University of Logistics and Transport in Wroclaw
 ul. Sołtysowicka 19B          51-168 Wrocław Poland
 tel: +48 (71) 324-68-42 int. 125

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