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The International University of Logistics and Transport in Wroclaw was created in 2001. The main reason of establishing The University was the lack of higher academic institutions educating prospective professionals in logistics sector in Poland, whereas the increasing demand for such specialists is noticeable on the labour market. The vital intention of university’s founders was to educate managers who would possess not only the necessary expertise enabling them to manage modern logistic processes, but also who would be ready to work efficiently in integrated Europe. In order to fulfil its mission, The University puts emphasis on the choice of suitable study programs, employment of appropriately qualified faculty , as well as broadly understood cooperation with other entities. Thanks to the cooperation with our strategic partner, namely the French university, educational program of the IULT guarantees acquisition of the knowledge and qualifications from logistics, transport and forwarding industries, at the highest European level. The international nature of our university, as well as extensive contacts with logistics, transport and forwarding partners, enable the IULT to realize an open form of education, by means of organizing guest lectures given by both foreign and local specialists, as well as study visits to companies. The abovementioned study visits support didactic process which results in giving students not only the opportunity to expand their knowledge, but also to confront their expectations about profession with reality. It is possible thanks to international cooperation with numerous European and global universities, as well as leading companies from TFL (Transport-Forwarding-Logistics) sector.


The establishment of the International University of Logistics and Transport in Wroclaw in cooperation with the French university was awarded the prize of the French Prime Minister Jean-Pierre Raffarin in 2003 for the best European educational project, among 92 projects from the whole world.


The International University of Logistics and Transport in Wroclaw is a non-public higher education institution that was listed as a non-public university number 206 in the Register of Non-Public Higher Education Institutions under the ordinance of the Minister of National Education. The University was established by way of the act of 26th June 1997. The IULT has single-faculty organizational structure (Logistics and Transport Department). At our University students may pursue both Bachelor’s and Master’s studies. In 2007 The International University of Logistics and Transport in Wroclaw acquired rights to pursue Master’s studies (second level) in the field of Logistics and became the first higher education institution authorized to purse such studies in Poland. After completing their studies, graduates can take advantage of a wide range of specialized postgraduate studies organized by The University.


ZdjecieThe International University of Logistics and Transport in Wroclaw also received distinction in the international report of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). In the report we can read " The University that allows students to acquire additional knowledge and improve themselves. All students have internships in enterprises. Non-public, business and industry oriented The International University of Logistics and Transport in Wroclaw provides trained professionals to logistics enterprises. Most students are employed in the logistics sector."


Thanks to the efforts of the authorities of the International University of Logistics and Transport in Wroclaw, Engineer’s and Bachelor’s studies in Logistics obtained the certification of The Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport UK, an organization associating 34,000 specialists from the TFL industry in over one hundred countries. Our University is the only institution in Poland that has the certification of this prestigious organization, which is a confirmation of the highest quality of education. Graduates of Logistics studies will receive a certificate issued by CILT (UK), which will be an additional asset on the labour market. The IULT in Wroclaw is the only university in Central and Eastern Europe that has been accredited by the British logistic institute.

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The International University of Logistics and Transport in Wroclaw
 ul. Sołtysowicka 19B          51-168 Wrocław Poland
 tel: +48 (71) 324-68-42 int. 125

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