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Specialisation: Industrial Systems Engineering

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Description of the specialisation


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Students will acquire specialist knowledge in the field of logistics systems optimization in production and industrial companies, as well as skills that will enable them to manage, control quality and optimize production.

The courses allow students to acquire knowledge required to design and manage logistics and production systems as far as technology, economy, organization and knowledge of society are concerned. These studies also focus on practical skills that combine technological, economic, and organizational aspects of production logistics. Moreover, the courses allow to educate professionals who are prepared to perform managerial tasks in research projects dedicated to industrial development. The curriculum has been adjusted to teaching standards at the University of Lorraine.

Career Prospects

Graduates of master studies are prepared to work for:

  • international and domestic enterprises involved in organizing selected industrial systems,
  • international and domestic enterprises in the field of production, innovative projects, systems of exploitation of machinery and equipment management,
  • international and domestic enterprises involved in modernization of existing industrial and manufacturing systems,
  • international and national companies involved in modernization of industrial systems,
  • companies searching for innovative solutions in production processes,
  • research institutions that prepare the implementation of innovative processes and products.

Graduates receive two diplomas – the Polish diploma of the IULT in Wroclaw and the French one of the Université de Lorraine.


Program of Studies

Specialisation: Industrial Systems Engineering
Form of assessment: E – Exam, C - Credits



l.p. SUBJECT Form of
1. Innovative Entrepreneurship E
2. Concepts of Management E
3. Principles of Mathematical Modeling E
4. Production Management E
5. Transport Management E
6. Protection of Intellectual Property C
7. Evaluation of Systems Performance C
8. Foreign Language 1 C
9. Foreign Language 2 C

l.p. SUBJECT Form of
1. Quality Management E
2. Logistics Management E
3. Design of Processes and Logistics Systems E
4. Computer systems in Transport E
5. Simulation of Industrial and Queuing Systems E
6. Logistics and Industrial Organization E
7. Foreign Language 1 E
8. Foreign Language 2 E


l.p. SUBJECT Form of
1. Proseminar E
2. Management of Logistics Project E
3. Logistics Controlling C
4. International Logistics E
5. Optimization of transport costs E
6. Foreign Language 1 (English in Logistics) E
7. Scheduling and applications E
8. Simulation 1 C
9. Simulation 2 E
10. Research Methods, Tools and Techniques E
11. Models and Algorithms for Logistics C
12. Tools Supporting Decision Taking E


l.p. SUBJECT Form of
1. Diploma Seminar and Thesis C/E
2. Logistics Planning E
3. Crisis Management in a Company E
4. Strategic Management C
5. Optimization of Logistics Processes E
6. Modeling of Production Systems E

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The International University of Logistics and Transport in Wroclaw
 ul. Sołtysowicka 19B          51-168 Wrocław Poland
 tel: +48 (71) 324-68-42 int. 125

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