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Prof. Jerzy Korczak PhD


Jerzy Korczak is an expert in the field of decision support systems, business data mining and data science. His current research interests concentrate on AI methods for business, Recommendation Systems, pattern discovery in financial time series, AML systems, Intelligent Dashboards for Managers. His previous employment is: Professor of Business Informatics, Head of the Department of Information Technology, Wrocław University of Economics (2005-2016); Professor of Informatics, University Louis Pasteur. Strasbourg, France (1986-2006); Head of Research Group on Data Mining, CNRS, France (1992-2006); Senior Lecturer, Department of Computer Science, Wollongong University, Australia (1988-1989). He actively participates in scientific life; he is a chair of the annual international conference Advanced IT for Management (, a member of the program committee of many conferences and a reviewer of many scientific journals. He is the author and co-author of over 300 scientific publications (according to Google Scholar h-index = 17, over 1000 citations).


PhD Didier Anciaux


Didier Anciaux is a teacher and researcher at the Laboratory of Industrial Engineering, Production and Maintenance (LGIPM) in Metz, France. He is licenced to run specialized research in industrial engineering (HDR). His scientific interests include areas of industrial systems modeling. He is a specialist in solving complex decision-making problems at strategic, tactical and operational levels in the areas of entrepreneurship, urban logistics, distribution, production and services planning, and transshipments. He has an experience in managing curricula, as well as research projects both at home and abroad. Dr Anciaux gives lectures at French, Tunisian, Moroccan and Polish universities.


PhD Tadeusz Popkowski


Doctor of technical sciences at the Jarosław Dąbrowski Military University of Technology of the Electromechanical Faculty in Warsaw. He is the author and co-author of a number of publications and studies, mainly in the field of electronics (automatics) and didactics of higher education, as well as technical equipment projects. Since 1980 he has been working in higher military education. For his achievements in didactic work he was awarded the Silver Cross of Merit and many departmental awards, including the gold medal "For the Merits for National Defense."


PhD Jean-Marie Fevre


Dr Jean-Marie Fèvre is a Senior Lecturer of Management Sciences at the University of Lorraine, France at the faculty in Sarreguemines. D. Jean-Marie Fèvre graduated from economy studies at the University of Rheims, France (1976-77) and at the College of Europe in Bruges, Belgium (1976-77). He obtained his Ph.D. in Economics at the University of Aix-la-Chapelle, Germany, in 1989. His unusual career has been developing mainly abroad: he has been a Teacher for Business French at the French Institutes in Düsseldorf (1977-1981) and in Aix-la-Chapelle (1981-1985). He was a Parliamentary Assistant at the Bundestag in Bonn (1985-1987) and a Lector for French at the University of Aix-la-Chapelle (1987-1990). He worked for six years (1990-1996) as a Language Officer at the French Embassy in Warsaw, Poland, and became Deputy Director of the French Institute in Hamburg, Germany (1996-2000) before he joined the University of Lorraine where he has been lecturing since 2000 on International Logistics, SCM, Transport Economics, Cross-Cultural Management and Geography of Flows. He has acquired remarkable language skills (French, German, English, Dutch, Polish, Spanish, Danish). He worked and delivered lectures in 20 countries: Australia, Belgium, China, Colombia, Croatia, Czechoslovakia, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Iran, Italy, Luxemburg, the Netherlands, Poland (1980, 84, 87, 88, 90-96, 04, 06), Russia, Spain, Ukraine, the UK, the USA. His numerous publications, in French, German, English, Polish and Dutch, are in the fields of Logistics (e.g. Disaster Logistics), Corporate Social Responsibility and Cross-Cultural Management. His is a member of the Civic Reserve of the French Army (with the grade of Major). His 73 blood donations for the German Red Cross emphasize his social commitment.


Prof. Leszek Mindur


Professor Leszek Mindur is a specialist in the field of transport and economics, technology and organization, as well as logistics. He is the Deputy Chairman of the Transport Committee at the Polish Academy of Sciences, Department IV of Technical Sciences, and since 2002, a professor at the Poznan School of Logistics and the Institute of Logistics and Warehousing in Poznań. In the years 1974-1990 he was the director in the Ministry of Construction in departments of: Mechanics, Energetics and Transport, Investment and Materials Management, as well as Science and Technology. Expert of the National Accreditation Commission for Transport. The author of over 300 publications and academic textbooks, articles, papers, expert opinions, projects and research studies. The organizer and co-organizer of national and international scientific conferences. He cooperated with such international organizations as: the Steyer Scientific and Research Center in Vienna, the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism and the Moscow Automobile and Road Construction State Technical University.


PhD Jérémie Schutz


Jeremie Schutz has been a lecturer at the University of Lorraine and at the Institute of Mathematics, Information Technology, Mechanics since 2010. His scientific activity is based on research conducted at the LGIPM Laboratory of Industrial Engineering and Production of Metz, France. In 2009, after obtaining his PhD on “The Contribution to the Optimization of the Exploitation and Maintenance Planning, Based on Predictions: the Use in Shipbuilding" at the University of Paul Verlaine, where he was a researcher he developed scientific interests in the maintenance/technical service and inspection policies. His teaching activities are focused on undergraduate BSc and graduate and MSc levels, especially on Production Management, Simulation and Experimental Procedures, Maintenance and Technical Support, Reliability of Systems. He has attended several international conferences and has published articles in many international scientific journals. He is an active member the MACOD group.


PhD Andrzej Kudłaszyk


Doctor habilitatus in law sciences at the University of Social Sciences, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences in Warsaw. He has published around 190 publications, including monographs, articles, papers for national and foreign conferences, scripts, reports. Until 1979, he was a judge at the Silesian Military District Court in Wrocław. In the years 1980-2001 he was an attorney. Moreover, he has been the faculty at many universities, including acting as the associate professor at the Wrocław University of Science and Technology, the tutor at the Wyższa Oficerska Szkoła Wojsk Zmechanizowanych (the College of Mechanized Forces) or the Wyższa Szkoła Zarządzania i Bankowości (the College of Management and Banking) in Poznań. Currently Vice-Rector for Teaching at the Wyższa Szkoła Technologii Teleinformatycznych (the University of Information Technology) in Świdnica. Awarded 6 rector’s prizes, 5 dean's prizes, 5 prizes of the institute director, and in 1996 - at the request of the Wrocław University of Science and Technology – he was awarded the Golden Cross of Merit of the Republic of Poland.


PhD Sofiene Dellagi


Sofienne Dellagi obtained his MSc Degree in 2003 followed by PhD in 2006 at the University of Paul Verlaine in Metz, France. Before getting the position of a lecturer at the University, in 2008 he was a research assistant at the Higher Engineering School in Metz, France. Since 2008, Dr Dellagi has been a member of scientific group Reliability- Maintenance-Technical Support of the LGIPM Laboratory of Industrial Engineering and Production of Metz, France. He is the author of seven papers in international journals and the advisor to two MSc theses. His researches cover the areas of reliability and maintenance of production systems for goods and services. In his researches he focuses on integrated policy of the technical service and maintenance; the connection of technical service and production management strategy within the economic constraints; the development of the strategy of monitoring and management optimization of the spare parts.


Prof. Sauer Nathalie


Nathalie Sauer has been a Professor at the University of Lorraine since 2005. She obtained her Master’s degree in applied Mathematics at the University of Paris, followed by a PhD degree in Industrial Engineering at the University of Metz, France. Since 2006 she has been a deputy head of LGIPM Laboratory of Industrial Engineering and Production of Metz. Her research fields cover performance evaluation and optimisation of production and logistics systems. She has been a board member of the French Operations Research Society ROADEF since 2010, a member of the Scientific Council of the ENIM since 2006. She is the author and co-author of 16 papers in international scientific journals and 39 papers from international conferences.


Prof. Nidhal Rezg


Nidhal Rezg graduated from the PhD studies in Industrial Automatics at the National Institute of Applied Sciences (INSA) in Lyon, France in 1996. He was a professor at the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada from 1997 to 1999 and an associate professor at the University of Metz, France until 2004. Currently he holds the position University of Professor. He has been the Chief Scientific Officer of LGIPM laboratory (Laboratoire de Génie Industriel et Production de Metz at INRIA) since October 2006. He was in charge of the research team from 2007 to 2011. His research interests focus on the optimization of services and production, as well as on SED control. He is the author of sixty papers in international journals, the supervisor of 12 theses and 4 accreditations.


PhD Smail Benzidia


Smail Benzidia receired his PhD in Management Science at the Aix-Marseille II University in 2010. He is a lecturer in Logistics Management at the University of Lorraine and a Member of the European Center for Research in Financial Economy and Business Management (CEREFIGE) Nancy-Metz. As a researcher he focuses on Interorganizational Information Systems, development of E-business especially the business model of Electronic Marketplaces, Collaborative Supply Chain Management. He has published several papers in academic journals and conference proceedings. Smail Benzidia is responsible for undergraduate and graduate students of "Quality Management" at the Institute of Administrations and Businesses (IAE), Metz, France.


PhD Sadok Turky


Dr Sadok Turky is a researcher at the Laboratory of Industrial Engineering, Production and Maintenance (LGIPM) at the University of Lorraine in Metz, France. He received a Master of Science degree at «MMSP» (Mechanics, Materials, Structures, and Processes) in 2006. He has been conducting scientific research at the University of Lorraine since 2011. Dr Turki is also a lecturer of mechanical engineering.


PhD Zied Hajej


He has been a lecturer at the University of Lorraine in Metz, France and a researcher at the Laboratory of Industrial Engineering, Production and Maintenance in Metz (LGIPM), France since September 2012. Having defended his PhD thesis at the University of Paul Verlain in Metz, France in 2010 entitled 'Contribution into the policy of integrated technical service, including retraction and reverse production process' he was employed at the University in Metz, France until 2012. His main research areas are optimization of production processes, development of methods and tools supporting designing, as well as supervising services and production systems. The author of several papers in international journals on industrial engineering. Dr Hajej gives lectures and runs labs on modeling and organizing production and logistics systems, automation and methods of production systems quality control.


PhD Ayse Akbalik


Dr Ayse Akbalik is currently a lecturer at the University of Lorraine and also a researcher at the Laboratory of Industrial Engineering, Production and Maintenance in Metz, France and TOBB - the University of Technology and Economics. She is also a member of a research team at the faculty of Industrial Engineering and she cooperates with the Laboratory of Technology Micrelectronics-MTL. Between 2007 and 2008 she gave specialized lab-lectures at the Technical University of Grenoble, and at the Joseph Fourier University. She was also a lecturer at ENSGI,INP Grenoble, the Technical University of Grenoble, and the Joseph Fourier University in the period 2003 – 2006. She obtained her Engineer's diploma at the Institute of Industrial Engineering at the Galatasaray University of Istanbul in Turkey.


Prof. Christophe Rapine


Christophe Rapine is a Professor at the University of Lorraine and a researcher at the Laboratory of Industrial Engineering, Production and Maintenance in Metz, France. At present he is responsible for research team Industrial Management and Logistics (GIL). He received his Master's degree at the Institute of Information Technology at the Joseph Fourier University in Grenoble, France, and his PhD at the National Institute in Grenoble (INPG). He has been Assistant professor at Ecole des Mines de Nantes and Professor at the University of Lorraine since 2005. He has been a board member of the French Operations Research Society (ROADEF) since 2010, a member of the Scientific Council of the ENIM since 2006 and a co-chair of the organizing committee MOSIM'10 - May 2010 - Hammamet, Tunisia. He is an author and co-author of 16 papers in international journals and 39 papers at internationals conferences.
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