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On October 5, 2024, a formal inauguration of the 2024/2025 academic year took place in the Leopoldina Hall. Numerous guests from Poland and abroad attended the ceremony. The event was opened with an official welcome by the Rector, Dr. Marcin Pawęska, Professor of IULT, who directed particularly warm words towards the students beginning their studies at the International University of Logistics and Transport in Wrocław.


During his inaugural speech, the Rector summarized the previous academic year, which was rich in awards, new projects, innovations, and distinctions. He also emphasized the contributions of individuals, institutions, and businesses whose cooperation has made it possible to improve the teaching process at our university.


During the inauguration, first-year students took a solemn oath, and the President of IULT, Janusz Pawęska, awarded the President's Scholarship for the best academic results in the 2023/2024 academic year. The recipient was Martina Anna Kalus. Additionally, the Rector's Award for the best thesis was presented to graduate Beata Palzer.


On behalf of the students, student community representative Anna Drąg delivered a speech, warmly welcoming everyone present and congratulating the first-year students on choosing the university.

The highlight of the ceremony was the inaugural lecture titled Green Urban Logistics. Challenges for Metropolitan Cities, delivered by Renata Granowska, the First Deputy Mayor of Wrocław.

Following the inaugural lecture, there was a formal signing of a memorandum of understanding between the International University of Logistics and Transport in Wrocław, represented by Rector Dr. Marcin Pawęska, Professor of IULT, and the Higher Education Institute in Hong Kong, represented by Vice President Prof. Paul Tsang Wai-Kei.


This year, the university authorities honored Mrs. Souad Bennani, Honorary Consul of the Republic of Poland in Agadir, with the Friend of the University statuette, recognizing her many years of work in promoting friendship between Poland and Morocco. The statuette was received on her behalf by Dr. Aziz Bouslikhane, founder of the partner university Universiapolis in Agadir, Morocco.


For the first time in the university's history, the title of Professor Emeritus of IULT was awarded to Prof. Dr. Zbigniew Ścibiorek, who has shared his vast experience with students and staff for many years.

To conclude the ceremony, diplomas were awarded to graduates of the International University of Logistics and Transport in Wrocław, marking the beginning of a new stage in their lives.


Dr. Grzegorz Wiśniewski also received his diploma, becoming the first person in IULT’s history to defend a doctoral dissertation and earn a Ph.D. in the discipline of Management and Quality Sciences.


We believe that the knowledge and experience gained within the university's walls will contribute to many professional successes.




The International University of Logistics and Transport in Wroclaw
 ul. Sołtysowicka 19B          51-168 Wrocław Poland
 tel: +48 (71) 324-68-42 int. 125

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