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The  IULT in Wroclaw has received funding  from  Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway grants under the European Economic Area (EEA) funds  to implement mobilities with the following partner:

Molde University College - Specialized University in Logistics (Norway).


Mobilities took place in two directions: from Poland to Norway and from Norway to Poland.  


As a result in July 2023, the representative of Molde University College  was participating it the mobility at the IULT. The purpose of the visit was to develop the partnership between both universities in the education and research with possible outcome of potential joint new projects.


In September 2023 the IULT representatives have visited the partner University in Norway for a training and teaching purpose as well. Our international project representative has explored potential for joint initiatives between Poland and Norway as well as the fundamental aspects of securing external funding for university projects was discussed.


Additionally, our professors were giving the lectures for Molde University College students to familiarize them with the challenges and solutions within the logistics and transportation area, especially by using AI methods.

To summarize the project and present its result, in November and December 2023 the informational meetings were held for all students: polish and international students. During the meeting, the mobilities participants were sharing their results and presenting the advantages of project.  The project team has noticed  the big interest in the future mobilities from the students perspective as well as potential for ongoing cooperation.



One of the results of broadly understood international cooperation are visits of students from partner universities of the International University of Logistics and Transport in Wrocław. Students come to Wrocław for several days during which they are hosted at the university, attend a lecture, and are warmly welcomed by the authorities of the IULT. We assist our guests in many issues and organize study visits in partner companies. Below you can find some examples of such visits:



slajd m slajd m


The International University of Logistics and Transport

International Cooperation Office

ul. Sołtysowicka 19b

51-168 Wrocław

(office open for student cases in hours 10-14)


Adres e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

tel. +48 71 324 68 42 int. 212

room 212, 2nd floor





Head of the ICO

tel: +48 507844345

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Erasmus+ Contact Person

tel: +48 (71) 324-68-42 int.212

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tel: +48 (71) 324-68-42 int. 125

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Nowe uniwersytety z krajów partnerskich w roku akademickim 2017/2018

Międzynarodowa Wyższa Szkoła Logistyki i Transportu we Wrocławiu realizuje projekt mobilności studentów i pracowników spoza Unii Europejskiej w ramach programu Erasmus+. Lista krajów i uczelni, do których istnieje możliwość uzyskania dofinansowania kosztów pobytu i podróży związanych z wymianą znajduje się poniżej:



- Epoka University


- National Polytechnic University of Armenia (NPUA)


- Belarus State Economic University (BSEU)


- Ningbo University of Technology


- Caucasus University (CU)


- Data Link Institute


- Lotus Business School


- University of Prishtina


- Ikutsk State Transport University (ISTU)


- Narodowy Uniwersytet Lotniczy w Kijowie


- Wayne State University (WSU)


- Namangan State University (NSU)


Projekt realizowany będzie do lipca 2018 roku. Szczegółowe informacje na temat zasad wyjazdów do krajów partnerskich można uzyskać kontaktując się z Działem Współpracy Międzynarodowej MWSLiT.



The International University of Logistics and Transport in Wroclaw
 ul. Sołtysowicka 19B          51-168 Wrocław Poland
 tel: +48 (71) 324-68-42 int. 125

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