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Rezultaty badań kadry MWSLiT, jak i naukowców z innych uczelni są publikowane w czasopiśmie naukowym "Logistyka i Transport" wydawanym w języku angielskim o nadanym NR ISSN 1734-2015, które otrzymało od MNiSzW 13pkt. Czasopismo ukazuje się 4 razy w roku. Od 2010r pozyskano środki finansowe z MNISZW - Indeks Plus na umiędzynarodowienie i upowszechnienie w środowisku naukowym. Nad doborem nadsyłanych artykułów czuwa międzynarodowy Komitet Naukowy składający się z wybitnych krajowych i zagranicznych specjalistów (Francja, Słowacja, Niemcy, Ukraina, Holandia, Wielka Brytania, Turcja, Bułgaria, Chiny) z obszaru logistyki, transportu, zarządzania i zarządzania kryzysowego.








W czasopiśmie publikowane są w szczególności:

  • artykuły naukowe prezentujące, z różnych perspektyw badawczych, wszelkie problemy współczesnej logistyki, transportu, zarządzania kryzysowego,
  • komunikaty z prowadzonych badań w kraju i zagranicą,
  • studia przypadków,
  • recenzje książek (polskich i zagranicznych) oraz omówienia artykułów zamieszczonych w krajowych i zagranicznych periodykach naukowych bądź branżowych,
  • informacje z konferencji naukowych w obszarze logistyki i transportu.


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Numery archiwalne:



Numer 1(37)/2018




Numer 4(36)/2017




Numer 3(35)/2017




Numer 2 34 2017




Numer 1(33)/2017




Numer 4(32)/2016




Numer 3(31)/2016




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Numer 2(11)/2010



University Highlights
  • Academic university with category B+
  • The only University in Eastern Europe accredited by CILT (UK);
  • The university has been awarded with the ISO 9001: 2015 quality certificate;
  • The University was awarded the prize of the French Prime Minister in 2003 for the best European educational project, among 92 projects from the whole world;
  • Guarantee of employment in TFL industry – around 95% of our graduates find work as specialists in both international and domestic companies;
  • Over 21 years of close cooperation with French Partners;
  • The University which is equipped with cutting-edge logistics labs for students, including an innovative RFID lab;
  • The laureate of the “Trustworthy School” certificate continuously since 2005;
  • The holder of the certificate of “University of Leaders” since 2011;
  • Qualified lecturers, distinguished specialists in their fields, leading representatives of both national and international faculty;
  • Practical elements during the process of education – thanks to constant contacts with practitioners and to widespread cooperation with companies from a transport-logistics-forwarding sector;
  • The University with a positive program opinion of the Polish Accreditation Committee, referring to the major Logistics at both undergraduate and graduate studies;
  • The University entered into the register of the Lower Silesia Regional Employment Agency (DWUP);
  • Certified qualifications in the field of quality management;
  • Accreditation of the curriculum at major Logistics, undergraduate studies and postgraduate studies by The Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport – CILT (UK), one of the most important logistics and transport institutions in Europe. Graduates obtain the prestigious CILT Certificate;

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Recommendations of:
Dual Studies

Dual studies aim at providing students with the opportunity to both study and gain practical experience. The syllabus of dual studies assumes that for two days per week students are at an internship, for which they will be paid the amount not lower than the amount of the tuition fee.


Taking up a job in line with the chosen specialty is possible already during the II year of studies. The dual mode enables students to study logistics (Bachelor’s and Engineer’s courses) and transport (Bachelor’s courses).


You study for 3 days, and work for 2 days – and your tuition fee is covered by the company.


The International University of Logistics and Transport in Wroclaw
 ul. Sołtysowicka 19B          51-168 Wrocław Poland
 tel: +48 (71) 324-68-42 int. 125

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